Using Consolas Font in CMD


Using Developer Command Prompt for VS2017 as an example
Remember to start it as Administrator

Adding Consolas font to Regedit

Open regedit

Goto HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont

Add a REG_SZ entry with the following contents:

Name = 00
Value = Consolas

Adding Consolas font in regedit

NOTE: if there is already an entry for “00” you don’t need to change it. Simply use “000” instead.

Value has to match the font name as seen at the following registry key:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts

[Optional] Log out and log in again / Restart

Changing CMD's Fonts

Just go to Properties > Font and select Consolas

If Consolas is not found:
Consolas not found in the Font listbox

Change code page to 850 or 65001:

chcp 850

Change code page to 850

Try again

Select Consolas in the Font listbox

Change code page back to 936 (or whatever it is originally)

chcp 936

Error Updating Shortcut

Error Updating Shortcut

Solution: Restart command promt as Administrator and retry


Using Meslo LG with the Windows Console

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